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Expert speaks to WRAL on reports of Russia dropping 'vacuum bombs' on Ukraine

Multiple reports, including from the Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S, have accused Russia of using thermobaric weapons in Ukraine. These are also known as "vacuum bombs." The fear is that troops are targeting civilians. Vacuum bombs work in two stages -- the first dispersing a gasoline-like aerosol over an area and then igniting it. That explosion creates a shockwave and vacuum effect. WRAL News spoke with Lt. Jack Shanahan about the vacuum bombs.

Multiple reports, including from the Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S, have accused Russia of using thermobaric weapons in Ukraine. These are also known as "vacuum bombs." The fear is that troops are targeting civilians. Vacuum bombs work in two stages -- the first dispersing a gasoline-like aerosol over an area and then igniting it. That explosion creates a shockwave and vacuum effect. WRAL News spoke with Lt. Jack Shanahan about the vacuum bombs.

Web Editor : Maggie Brown
Reporter : Chris Lovingood
Posted 2022-03-02T18:18:54-0500 - Updated 2022-03-02T18:32:04-0500