National News

12-year-old Black athlete nearly disqualified from swim meet for swimsuit

During a Sunday swim meet at a YMCA in Wisconsin, controversy arose after one 12-year-old athlete wore a Black Lives Matter swimsuit. IN LIGHT OF AMIR LOCKE'S DEATH... LEIDY.. WHO IS 12-YEARS-OLD... WORE A SWIMSUIT DISPLAYING THE WORDS "BLACK LIVES MATTER."

During a Sunday swim meet at a YMCA in Wisconsin, controversy arose after one 12-year-old athlete wore a Black Lives Matter swimsuit. IN LIGHT OF AMIR LOCKE'S DEATH... LEIDY.. WHO IS 12-YEARS-OLD... WORE A SWIMSUIT DISPLAYING THE WORDS "BLACK LIVES MATTER."

Web Editor : Maggie Brown
Posted 2022-02-09T13:46:54-0500 - Updated 2022-02-09T13:48:05-0500