
Try the 5 second rule to empower kids, ease mom stress

There are hacks and lessons in 'The 5 Second Rule' that can help adults and kids alike with procrastination, anxiety and self-confidence.
Posted 2023-09-18T20:59:03+00:00 - Updated 2023-09-19T10:10:00+00:00

Ever had those moments when your kids resist trying something new or practically glue themselves to you on the first day of school? I sure have.

To this day my 15-year-old always hesitates right before walking into a new situation. It never fails. She dreads stepping out of her comfort zone, but then after the first few minutes, she’s fine – always. However, getting her from point A to point B is the issue.

I recently read a book that was a game changer: “The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins. It’s been around for several years but it was new to me and it worked. Thanks, Mel.

While I have read my fair share of self-help books over the years, there's only a select few that have helped not only me but my kids as well.

"The 5 Second Rule" is not just a life hack for grown-ups, but a superpower that empowers kids and boosts their confidence. I read it and gathered up all the valuable bits, then passed them on to my kids like their own personal
CliffsNotes. It not only helped them, but me too!

If I were to sum up the book in a nutshell, it's basically about counting down from the number 5 (5-4-3-2-1) and then diving right in, taking action, leaving no room for second-guessing. It's like a magic trick that waves away procrastination and eases the anxiety of anticipation. Yes!

Here are a few ways it can help your kids and you push through uneasiness and like Nike says, “Just do it."

Empowering kids to make decisions and speak up

As parents, we've all witnessed the unique challenges that come with decision-making for our little ones. From choosing between their favorite cereals to more significant choices at school, the process can often be an overwhelming struggle.

When my youngest was little she would get overwhelmed about what to order at a restaurant. I would have to play the “this or that” game narrowing down each choice. Externally I was patiently asking, “Do you want chicken nuggets or a hamburger? A hamburger or pasta? Pasta or a salad?” but on the inside I was screaming, “Just pick something already!” If only this book was written back then.

Imagine this: your child hesitates, unsure of whether to take action or stay in their comfort zone. Instead of letting them dwell on their doubts, encourage them to count down from 5 and just go for it. I know this seems so silly and simple but it is a game-changer. It teaches them to trust their instincts, helps them develop confidence and encourages them to take charge of their choices. Suddenly, decision-making becomes an exciting challenge and a chance to demonstrate their growing independence, rather than a nerve-wracking task. “What do you want
to eat?” “Hamburger.” BOOM!

It also helps kids learn to express their thoughts and feelings openly. Let's be real, speaking up can be quite intimidating for all of us at times. This is where the magic of counting down from 5 comes in. It becomes their secret weapon, giving kids the courage to conquer their initial shyness or fears. It makes it simpler for them to voice their thoughts confidently allowing them to share without hesitation. Who doesn’t need a little push to say what’s on our minds from time to time?

“It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.” - Mel Robbins

Easing mom stress

Moms are all too familiar with stress, since we not only deal with our own worries but also shoulder everyone elses. It's just part of the job. The stress we face, the constant balancing act of responsibilities, the chaos of running a household, and the challenge of staying sane – it';s like riding a rollercoaster. Amidst this whirlwind, "The 5 Second Rule" can help us navigate the storm. Woohoo!

Picture this: you're standing on the precipice of a stressful situation (like moms do about 100 times a day). Maybe it's an overwhelming pile of laundry, a looming work deadline, or just the day-to-day chaos that accumulates. Instead of letting stress dictate your actions, give yourself that quick countdown – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – and watch as a newfound sense
of determination takes over. Suddenly, tackling those tasks becomes more manageable, and you find yourself taking action instead of succumbing to anxiety.

It's a simple shift in mindset that makes a remarkable difference. It’s like a friendly kick in the butt.

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” - Mel Robbins

Final thoughts

So, if you're on the lookout for a tool that empowers your kids and eases your own stress, I highly recommend checking out ";The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins. With its practical techniques and inspiring stories, it is a must read.

Whether you're helping your child tackle everyday choices or conquering your own moments of doubt, the 5 Second Rule is a powerful tool that transforms hesitation into action.

Joelene Wolfe is a mom, actor, writer & marketer who recently moved to the Triangle from the NY/NJ area. She strives to live every day to the fullest and really enjoys helping others do the same. For the record, she never gets tired of being serenaded with the song, Jolene. You can follow Joelene on Instagram @joeyinthetriangle
