
Share your deals, meals & questions 8/26: Meal Plan edition

Here's the place to share any great deals you have found, ask any questions you have and share your frugal meals for the day or the week.
Posted 2019-08-24T19:31:21+00:00 - Updated 2019-08-26T11:00:00+00:00

Here's the place to share any great deals you have found, ask any questions you have and share your frugal meals for the day.

Feel free to share your weekly meal plan or menu for today's dinner.

You will also notice that the Share the Deals and Meals post will only be published on Mondays with my weekly meal plan from now on.

WRAL implemented a Facebook account requirement in order to post a few months ago and comments have decreased so significantly that there is not a need for a daily post. If you have a question or a deal to share, feel free to post about it on the WRAL Facebook page or send me a message at

I hope you have a fabulously frugal day! As I always say, it's your money, spend it wisely!

Faye's Meal Plan for the week:

* Chicken tacos with all the toppings and corn

* Parmesan baked tilapia, salad

* Egg salad on whole wheat rolls, sweet potato fries, fruit salad

* Garlic shrimp with sauteed zucchini, mushrooms and onions


Changes To Commenting On Smart Shopper Posts

You may have noticed that the Comments section for Smart Shopper posts is working differently these days than it has in the past.

The Comments section now requires readers to log in using Facebook in order to make a comment. This is the commenting method required by all other pages on WRAL and the Smart Shopper page has been transitioned to this method as well by WRAL.

Even if you don't want a public Facebook account to share with others, you can always make a private one just for posting comments on the Smart Shopper page.

My apologies for any issues this may cause regarding posting comments. Thank you very much for reading the Smart Shopper column!
