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Sarah King: Gain a new perspective during this week's Mix 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children's

If you are able, tune in to Mix 101.5 this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. We're are raising money for Duke Children's for two full days. It may not be easy listening. But you will gain a new perspective on your family, I promise.
Posted 2020-12-13T21:45:07+00:00 - Updated 2020-12-15T02:00:00+00:00

This is the time of year that I dread, if I am being completely honest.

Every December, MIX 101.5 holds the Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital. It is, by far, the most difficult part of my job. We talk with families who have lived through the nightmares that every single parent fears. Countless stories from families where it all started with a rash or a fever and ended up being something worse than they ever imagine. Every year, I ugly cry at least once in the bathroom by myself. The pain and vulnerability are just so overwhelming.

I’ve been doing the Radiothon now for five years. The first year, my son was nine months old. I was heavy in the throes of post-partum depression. Every story that I was told had me panicking that my son’s late-night cries were for sure the start of something that would require Duke Children's. It was gut wrenching.

Thankfully, each year gets a little easier. I’ve seen how the skillful staff at Duke Children’s fight tooth and nail to find every possible answer for every child’s illness. They have made it their mission to make sure each child has the brightest future possible. Now when I have those thoughts of despair when my son spikes a high fever, I am not as terrified because I know that Duke Children’s is in my backyard. How lucky are we to have this safety net?

Radiothon, believe it or not, is also a time that I look forward to. The stories that these courageous families tell have so much beauty in them. They tell of families coming together to hold each other up. Of communities rallying around them, showing them they are loved in a way much larger than they knew. Children teaching parents that hope is something that is not taught, it’s innate. Stories of doctors and nurses giving their lives to the service of others and sharing completely in their patients’ victories. It’s really beautiful and life affirming.

I wish I could say all the stories have happy endings. Sadly, some don’t. The fact that their family still comes to Duke Children’s to share their journey in the hopes that it will inspire others to give is awe inspiring. It’s a sign of their gratitude for the time that Duke Children’s afforded them with their children.

For some it was a short time, though longer than they otherwise would have had with their child. They feel compelled to give back to the hospital that made them feel welcomed and empowered during the most vulnerable time in their life.

I am truly honored as a broadcaster and as a mother to hold the microphone for them and give them an audience.

If you are able, tune in to Mix 101.5 this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. We’re are raising money for Duke Children’s for two full days. It may not be easy listening. But you will gain a new perspective on your family, I promise.

You will hold those close to you tighter and with more intention. This year has taught us all how important our family is. If you can give or spread the word that the Radiothon is happening, you’ll be ensuring that families everywhere can rest easier knowing that Duke Children’s is ready and fully equipped to help them if they ever need them.

Sarah is the mom of one and part of MIX Mornings with Kyle, Bryan, and Sarah.
