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Sarah King: Are there any answers when it comes to potty training?

OH ... boy, potty training.
Posted 2018-04-16T21:13:00+00:00 - Updated 2018-07-13T19:22:33+00:00

OH…boy, potty training.

Recently one of our listeners said potty training is the “gauntlet of childhood." It feels that way.

Is he ready!?

Since learning I was pregnant with my son Luca, three years ago, this phase is what I feared most about rearing a child. How on Earth do you do it? How do you know it’s time? What on Earth do people mean when they say “your child will let you know when they are ready?"

I can’t trust Luca to eat the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that he CLAIMS he’s ready for. How can I be expected to trust him on my carpet without a diaper?

Luca’s daycare teachers say that he is ready, and for some reason I feel guilty that they have so clearly seen the signs and I haven’t. Am I that oblivious? I’ve heard it takes a village to raise a child. I guess I’ll try to let that go.

Potty seat shopping

Once Luca’s teachers told me potty training was on the horizon, I started shopping for the necessary tools. When you search “potty training seats,” the amount of choices you’re given is ridiculously large.

Do I want a stand-up urinal? Do I want a free-standing seat? There are seats with ladders and seats with lids. There are even little plastic thrones.

Then, what about the car? Piddle pads! I didn’t know that was a thing. Well, now I own one.

Potty training
Potty training

So far, no good

My husband Eddie and I are a week into potty training, and it’s not going so well. The cynic in me thinks he’s being stubborn -- digging his heels in about peeing in the potty. However I’ve read that there’s a chance he’s not mentally ready. I feel like I am literally waiting for a synapse to form. We are so frustrated.

Other moms in my life are giving me all of their tricks to try. Currently we’re trying a potty timer that signals when it’s time to go (try). On top of that, we’re offering rewards of candy and toys, sitting him backwards on the pot and even the Cheerio’s trick (helps with aiming).

I have perfectionist tendencies. I shudder at the thought of throwing in the towel for a few weeks and starting again. How long do we wait until we admit defeat?

I just have so many questions!

Kids don’t come with instructions, but in my current potty training scenario, I really wish they did!

Sarah is the mom of one and the "mom" in MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM's morning show Two Men and a Mom.
