
Editorial: N.C. representatives in Washington must reject Trump's talk of abandoning NATO allies

Monday, Feb. 12, 2024 -- To what degree do Republicans stand for the United States' integrity as a signer of the NATO alliance treaty, our nation's critical role in support of sovereignty in Europe and back our allies -- or are subservient to the whims and dictates of Donald Trump?
Posted 2024-02-12T04:55:46+00:00 - Updated 2024-02-12T10:00:00+00:00

CBC Editorial: Monday, Feb. 12, 2024; #8907

The following is the opinion of Capitol Broadcasting Company

Dictator Vladimir Putin and Russia would be encouraged to “do what ever the hell they want” to nations in Europe, Donald Trump declared Saturday. The defense of our nation, the freedom and safety of European NATO treaty allies to the contrary.

Some Republicans – a group still including North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis – claim to want to stand up to Putin’s deadly aggression in Ukraine. But former president is doubling down on his dangerous position.

In a test vote Sunday, the Senate voted 67-27 to support moving ahead with the $95.3 bill to aid Ukraine as well as Israel, Taiwan and humanitarian aid in Gaza. Eighteen Republicans, including Tillis, voted to move the aid bill on.

The critical question isn’t a single vote on a single aid package. They must decide if it is more than a pyrrhic exercise. To what degree do these Republicans – like Tillis – stand for the United States’ integrity as a signer of the NATO alliance treaty, our nation’s critical role in support of sovereignty in Europe and back our allies -- or are subservient to the whims and dictates of Donald Trump?

Saturday, at a campaign stop in Conway, S.C., Trump declared: "'You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent? No I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want,” concerning our NATO allies who hadn’t contributed, or were delinquent in what he deemed appropriate financial support to the alliance.

Just a few days ago, Tillis backed Trump’s efforts to scuttle a bipartisan foreign aid-border security deal that he’d actually helped craft, for the sake of politics. Now, as Tillis works on this latest bipartisan aid bill for Ukraine, Trump is doing all he can to scuttle it.

“From this point forward, are you listening U.S. Senate (?),” Trump said on his Truth Social feed. “No money in the form of foreign aid should be given to any country unless it is done as a loan, not just a giveaway.”

It is dangerous rhetoric that is putting the globe on edge. “Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged – and it endangers American national security, global stability, and our economy at home.” said President Joe Biden’s spokesperson, in response to Trump’s speech.

The issue here, as Trump amps-up his isolationist rhetoric, goes beyond the much-needed and appropriate help so the people of Ukraine can continue their desperate fight for sovereignty against Putin’s unwarranted aggression. He is clearly out of step with the national will, where polls show broad support for the alliance.

It is whether members of Congress – particularly those who represent North Carolina -- believe the sovereignty of national borders as the United States pledged to fight for when it established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) after World War II is a promise to be kept.

Is their allegiance to the Constitution, the people of the nation, or to Donald Trump – who declares it is he who decides who does or does not get protected. Should our nation be led by those who put personal best interest ahead of the nation’s? There’s a word for that.

Tillis refuses to hold Trump accountable. Even with Trump’s latest inflammatory comments directly giving aid and comfort to Putin’s aggression, Tillis dodges. Tillis said it was Trump’s staff – not the former president who has had a long-established antipathy toward NATO. “Shame on his briefers” Tillis said for not explaining to the former president the U.S. has made a commitment to assist any NATO country that is attacked.

Even if this latest bill to aid Ukraine moves out of the Senate, it faces, at best, an uncertain fate in the House of Representatives, where current House Speaker Mike Johnson and a vast block of GOP representatives are solidly behind whatever Trump demands.

North Carolinians expect elected representatives -- Tillis, along with North Carolina’s other Senator Ted Budd and members of the House of Representatives – to support our treaties, our NATO alliance – and should publicly repudiate Trump’s dangerous position in direct and certain terms.

Where do you stand: Making sure our nation keeps its treaty to defend our NATO allies and global security -- or reflexively acquiesce to Donald Trump and his appeasement of the likes of Russia’s Putin?

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