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Destination State Fair: 5 don't miss free attractions

The food and rides might get the biggest play, but the State Fair offers all sorts of other free entertainment and activities that are great opportunities to take a break and take in some entertainment.
Posted 2017-10-12T17:37:02+00:00 - Updated 2018-07-13T19:15:56+00:00
NC State Fair 2016

Our weekly Friday feature shifts its focus to the State Fair during these next couple of weeks. The fair, celebrating its 150th year this year, runs through Oct. 22 at the fairgrounds in west Raleigh.

The food and rides might get the biggest play, but the State Fair offers all sorts of other free entertainment and activities that are great opportunities to take a break and take in some entertainment. Before you go, be sure to check the fair's online schedule to find out when shows are planned.

Here are five of those free State Fair attractions:

Laser Light Show
Over the pond near Gate 8/Heritage Circle

For the second year, you can end your night at the fair with a laser light show over the pond near Gate 8, which isn't far from the grist mill and Heritage Circle. It happens 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., nightly.

Courtesy: NC State Fair
Courtesy: NC State Fair

Bubble Wonders

New this year! Catch all kinds of bubble tricks, including the creation of a bubble caterpillar, bubble volcano, the dancing bubble, bubbles inside of bubbles and even a child inside a bubble. The Kiddieland stage is across Dorton Arena and not far from the Field of Derams.

Courtesy: NC State Fair
Courtesy: NC State Fair

Team Rock: The Ninja Experience
Behind the Scott building, near Gate 10

Also new this year! Martial arts experts will wow crowds with high-flying, jaw-dropping performances that showcase an extraordinary display of extreme breaking and theatrics.

Courtesy: NC State Fair
Courtesy: NC State Fair

The Cutest Show on Earth

The Cutest Show on Earth is a high-energy, free show designed to get family members playing together. Kids dress up and become Star Performers in a live theater experience! Presented multiple times daily, each show features up to 18 kids of all ages chosen from the audience 10 minutes before show time.

Courtesy: NC State Fair
Courtesy: NC State Fair

Guy Gilchrist: Famed Syndicated Cartoonist & Writer
Field of Dreams

Hand picked to create Jim Henson’s Muppets comic strip, Gilchrist has worked on notable cartoons such as  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Fraggle Rock, The Pink Panther and The Muppet Babies. In the Field of Dreams, he'll tell interactive stories and illustrate on the spot.

Courtesy: NC State Fair
Courtesy: NC State Fair

Go Ask Mom features places to take kids every Friday.
